Should the Movement Protest Injustice?

Should the Movement Protest Injustice?

Introduction With all the injustice that is going on in the world, oppressions that are difficult to comprehend or explain, the question that often arises is what are God’s people to do? What is our role in these crises? Should we remain silent while much of the world...
We Do Not Understand Equality

We Do Not Understand Equality

Introduction The subjects of race and gender equality are present truth. This light was at the centre of the most severe shaking the movement has suffered to date. A shaking which saw the departure of the founding ministry and the messenger of the first angel. All can...
Have We Become A Political Movement?

Have We Become A Political Movement?

Over the last few months the movement’s detractors have been making the accusation that it has turned its back on the third angel and transformed into a political movement. Spirit of Prophecy passages are quoted and read at face value in attempts to convey the idea...